Hemp History

Hemp  is one of the oldest plants, tracing back to 8000 BC in China and the Middle East. Hemp has a history of being extremely versatile and useful in the production of thousands of products all over the world. The paper, steel, polyester, plastic and countless other industries managed to group hemp with cannabis and made it a schedule 1 drug for no reason other then to make money of course. as you will see below it can save the world economy by supporting small business.

For nearly 3000 years Hemp has been our planet’s largest agricultural crop and the most important industry producing the fiber, paper, clothing, lighting fuel and medicine used by much of humanity. It is and has always been Earth’s’ most sustainable natural resource. With modern technological advances it is now possible to make over 20,000 types of products from medicine to houses to cellophane, dynamite and most importantly as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics.

Pre Hemp Prohibition

200 BC

China Invents Paper

First paper invented in China – is made from Hemp.

Ancient Hemp Discover

Mummified Ying Pan man discovered in China wearing a painted mask made from Hemp – the earliest known Hemp Bioplastic.

400 BC
768 BC

Empire of Hemp

King Charles the Great encourages growing of Hemp throughout his empire.

The Gutenberg Bible

The world’s first book printed on a moveable type printing press is printed on Hemp paper.



King Henry 8th issued a royal proclamation which imposed a fine on any farmer that did not use some of his land for growing Hemp to supply the King’s Navy.


America’s first Hemp law orders – all farmers MUST grow Hemp. Hemp is made a legal tender (i.e. can be used to pay taxes)


Made in America

First American Paper Mill makes paper from Hemp.

Not a Request

Additional laws in America make growing Hemp compulsory for all farmers.

1789, 1797,1801

Founding Fathers & Hemp Farmers

1st President of USA
George Washington “Make the most of Indian Hemp Seed and sow it everywhere”
2nd President of USA
John Adams “We shall, by and by, want a world of Hemp more for our own consumption”
3rd President of USA
Thomas Jefferson “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country – If people let the Government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under Tyranny”


Rudolph Diesel invents world’s first diesel engine which is designed to run on clean burning vegetable oils including Hemp Oil which does not cause pollution or create carbon buildup inside engines.


Power of Hemp

Mellon, one of the most powerful bankers in USA. Mellon plus two other bankers Rockefeller and Carnegie had significant investments in Oil, Paper, Synthetic Fiber, Petrochemical Plastics and Pharmaceuticals – all of which were about to be made obsolete by technological advancements in Hemp processing.

Sad Day

US Congress approves a bill that prohibits the cultivation of all Cannabis including Hemp.


Stagnate Future

Popular Mechanics magazine article titled “New Billion Dollar Crop” announces the arrival of the new Hemp processing technology that was set to make Hemp America’s #1 commodity had it not been prohibited.

What Could have Been

Henry Ford finishes making a car built almost entirely from Hemp and which ran on clean burning Hemp fuel. The car being 30% lighter than steel cars therefore required less fuel. Its lightweight bioplastic body panels were many times stronger than steel – could not be dented with a sledge hammer. “Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the Hemp Fields?” – Henry Ford


Hemp For Victory.

US Government cannot take part in World War 2 without Hemp for military clothing and equipment so a campaign is launched to encourage and reward US farmers for growing Hemp with a PR video. They were well aware back in 1942 that Hemp could save the planet as well as the economy. From the USA Department of Agriculture Hemp For Victory

Hemp Prohibition



At the end of World War 2 the US Government begins its campaign against Hemp and claims there never was a video called Hemp For Victory. When US soldiers return from Europe they are ordered to put their Hemp uniforms back on and are sent out to American farms to burn all the Hemp crops.

End of an Era

Henry Anslinger attended the United Nations and persuaded the UN to have Hemp cultivation prohibited in 150 countries worldwide. As a consequence most of the world’s food, fiber, fuel and medicine went from being made organically by farmers to being produced chemically under the control of the Pharmaceutical and Petrochemical industries.


Hemp Legalization Begins Again



Canada legalizes growing of Hemp which creates employment and hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue for the Canadian people.


Section 7606 of the 2014 Farm Bill authorized hemp research and pilot programs by state departments of agriculture and institutions of higher education. Some states have licensed farmers to conduct pilot programs and research on hemp. In 2017 there were 19 states that allowed hemp to be grown.